06:54:16 Script export_articles.php en cours d'exécution..... select distinct a.idArticle, a.CodeArticle, a.LibelleArticle, ad.DescLong, sp.CodeArtPart_sp as code_article_woo, ifnull(sp.PartenairePrincipal_sp,0) as PartenairePrincipal_sp, ifnull(t.PrixActuelTarif,0) as PrixActuelTarif, spg.CodeArtPart_sp as code_parent_woo from article a join cata_asso_article_sous_famille asso on asso.idArticle = a.idArticle and asso.Inactif = 0 join cata_sous_famille sf on sf.idSSFamille = asso.idSSFamille and sf.Inactif = 0 join cata_famille f on f.idFamille = sf.idFamille and f.Inactif = 0 left join art_spec_tiers sp on sp.idArticle = a.idArticle and sp.idPartenaire = '7483' left join article_desclong ad on ad.idArticle = a.idArticle and ad.idLangue = '4' left join article_image am on am.idarticle = a.idArticle left join tarif t on t.idArticle = a.idArticle and t.idCodeTarif = '10' left join art_spec_tiers spg on spg.idArticle = a.ArticlePrincipal and spg.idPartenaire = '7483' where ( UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) between a.DateDebutUtilisationArticle and a.DateFinUtilisationArticle or a.DateFinUtilisationArticle = 0) and f.idCatalogue = '1' order by a.CodeArticle 06:54:17 OK Script terminé. Nb Produits lus: 0 / Nb Produits envoyés: 0 / Nb Produits MAJ: 0